day 24


weigh our
memories and hope
that what comes out
is as beautiful as she.

Category: imago/poema 3 comments »

3 Responses to “day 24”

  1. Aunt Kathy

    ABSOLUTELY Beautiful…..appropriately timed—simply stated.
    Did you now that Mom was a Libra, and scales are our sign, or was it coinsidence?

  2. grid

    I can’t say that I knew consciously, but in the course of trying to write something with Rachel about Grandma, we’ve been thinking a lot about balance and, from all our stories and memories, how we weigh what’s important, and what we want to communicate at this particular time. The balance/scales analogy seemed especially fitting to me last night; I suspect there are many things that both consciously and unconsciously contribute to such things….

    Much love to all in Tucson – our thoughts are with you!

  3. chel

    this is just,
    so lovely

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