day 26


with you –
impossible to start
who will be reading?
just jotting down thoughts, first
organising early memories, growing-up, last Christmas…
sifting through stories, details
starting to glimpse possible
structure…. Now cutting,
Reducing into

We Launch!
Add powdered sugar!
Direct speech – “there’s dancing”!
The real-estate explanation is non-trivial….
Make room for the kourabiedes (kouraBIEdes!)…!
Does “velvet tops and Christmas
socks” imply no pants?
We are laughing;
Words are

Category: imago/poema 3 comments »

3 Responses to “day 26”

  1. chel

    :) !!!!

  2. Andy Jendrzejewski

    While I loved the poem dearly,
    none of us kids could speak at the funeral.
    So we had four of Kathy’s friends read things we wrote.
    They did a very nice job. Yours started laughter,
    especially with the real estate story!

    I submitted my poem about preparations, slightly revised to change the tense from present to past,
    Walt submitted a from the heart memory about grandma J’s character, which I hope to pass on to you,
    Mom submitted a fiftieth anniversary memorybook entry she wrote about what she learned from my parents,
    Kathy submitted something from the fiftieth anniversary memory book and a prayer.
    Walt submitted a letter from Grandma J to Grandpa, which was part of a birthday present, which was the only birthday present she had the capability of giving him,
    And I submitted your poem, read beautifully by Nancy, Kathy’s close friend here at the complex. Your comments linspired others to say funny things about Mom. Your poem was a significant part of the beauty of the ceremony. I am forever grateful. Thank you!

  3. grid

    I am so, so glad that we could be there, in some way, with you….

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